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About Me


Name: Arushi B.

Grade: 11th

Hi! My name is Arushi and I am a junior at Del Norte High School. I am involved with debate and robotics at school and love computing! I love AP computer science principles and also love mechanical engineering.

This project will document my progress in Tri 3 of AP Computer Science Principles.

Project Idea

Our goal this trimester with our website is to make a helpful and viable alternative to phyiscal manuals during an evacuation. We hope to convert all paper necessities into an online format as well as add other pages that would make evacuating on short notice easier. Overall, we hope to make the hassle of evacuation as simple and least stressful as possible.

Past Projects

Tri 1

Website about technology. Located nearby technology stores, gave information about different tech products, and included an interative quiz.

Tri 2

Website for new students and teachers. Had an attendance page using databases. Included a registration form and contact page. Study timer and study flashcards.