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04/19 Finals-Quiz1

Score: 46/50

Finals-Quiz1 Test Corrections

Question Selected Answer Correct Answer Explanation
1 A B The number of programming statements in a program does not affect its ability to process data sets.
14 D C Using 6-bit binary sequences allows for 26 or 64 different items to be identified. Using 7-bit binary sequences allows for 27 or 128 different items to be identified. Thus there are two times as many items that can be uniquely identified.
32 D C Initial count variable has to be outside the for loop.
38 B C Statement II is correct because the repository of stored metadata includes time, so information about the time of calls can be analyzed to make predictions about future calls. Statement III is correct because the metadata stores the phone numbers of the two parties of a call. Given one phone number, the metadata can be processed to provide all phone numbers that were called by or placed to that person.

04/21 Finals-Quiz2

Score: 49/50

Finals-Quiz2 Test Corrections

Question Selected Answer Correct Answer Explanation
22 A B IPv6 allows for a greater number of IP addresses than IPv4 does, which allows more devices to be connected.

Finals-Quiz3 Test Corrections

Score: 41/50

Question Selected Answer Correct Answer Explanation
3 D B Algorithm I does not work correctly. In algorithm I, if two people are tied for the earliest birthday, they both sit down when they are eventually paired. Algorithm II works correctly. Because algorithm II allows both people to remain standing when there is a tie, a person with the earliest birthday is not eliminated. Algorithm II continues until all remaining people have the same birthday, which is the earliest birthday. Algorithm III does not work correctly. Algorithm III chooses the person(s) with the earliest day, disregarding the month. For example, algorithm III will incorrectly determine that a person born on February 1 has an earlier birthday than a person born on January 5.
12 B A Creative Commons licensing allows copyright owners to specify the ways in which their works can be used or distributed. This allows individuals to access or modify these works without the risk of violating copyright laws.
17 B, C C, D The procedure returns the first number it encounters that is less than the first number in the list. For the list open bracket, 40, 30, 20, 10, close bracket, the procedure returns 3 0, which is not the least value in the list.
30 B D The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses protocols to connect devices worldwide. The World Wide Web is an information system (of pages, programs, and files) that is accessible over the Internet.
31 D B Subtracting num1 from num2 will give the difference between the two numbers. Taking the absolute value of the difference will give the distance as a positive number.
39 A B The total number of registered users appears to be increasing by about 0.5 million each year, so in year 12, the number of users can be approximated at 31.2 million (30.2 + 0.5 + 0.5).
41 A D In public cryptography, a message is encrypted with a recipient’s public key and decrypted with the recipient’s private key.
44 C D The procedures square and cube are each used to determine a power of n. A generalization of this procedure is Power, open parenthesis, n comma m, close parenthesis, which calculates n raised to the mpower.
46 A B This is an example of symmetric encryption because the secret key is used for both encryption and decryption of messages.

Week 0





  • Technological innovations have both positive and negative impacts
  • UAVs/Drones are used in search & rescue, aerial photography, and for hobbies; also have unintended uses
  • Automated telephone trees: purpose - save employers money + reduce hold time for customers

Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing

  • Three beneficial effects of computing are it makes information more accessible, minimizes paper usage and is thus, more eco-friendly, and allows work to be distributed quicker and to a wider audience. Three harmful effects of computing are degradations in physical and mental health, increase in socio-economic divisions, and elimination of paper-based industries.

Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?

  • The dopamine rush that comes with certain digital applications can cause potential problems, especially if it makes the application addictive. Many students at Del Norte are addicted to gaming or social media because of this dopamine issue. Three computing innovations that cater to the dopamine are social media, TV, messaging, and gaming.




  • Poorer or rural areas in America and other countries may have less or little access to technology
  • Some countries may have different or restricted access, for instance China and USA may have divide in service allowed in their countries
  • Contributing factors to digital divide: socioeconomic (money), geographic (location), demographic (education, nationality, religion, and ethnicity)
  • Individual may have less access to latest updates, thus may be working on older generations of computers
  • Religious groups like the Amish choose not to use technology
  • San Diego county has regional distinction in many categories between Northern and Southern population, usually indicated by Interstate 8.
  • Sunnyvale CA has been know as technology hub of influence for the entirety of the United States

How does someone empower themself in a digital world?

  • To empower themselves, someone can use digital platforms to share their thoughts and ideas. Additionally, they can digitally collaborate with a diverse range of people, which helps them become a global citizen.

How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.

  • Someone that is empowered can teach people who are not empowered how to use certain technologies, so they too can take advantage of them. Something I can do to digitally empower students at Del Norte is to organize workshops about CS topics.

Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?

  • Financial barriers sometimes prevent certain groups of people from accessing technology. One way we are overcoming these divides at Del Norte is by providing free Chromebooks to people who request them.

ADDED QUESTION: How can computer science and a knowledge of technology empower you?

  • The top four companies in the stock market are Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), and Apple. It is important to note that all of these companies are tech companies. This goes to show that studying technology, particularly computer science, is very valuable in today’s day and age.




  • computers have intentional and unintentional bias
  • HP face tracking feature: most likely unintentional
  • developers may not have had diverse skin colors, flawed testing

Does the owner of the computer think this was intentional?

  • no

If yes or no, justify you conclusion.

  • No because the developers did not test accurately.

How do you think this happened?

  • Testing was flawed.

Is this harmful? Was it intended to be harmful or exclude?

  • Yes, it is harmful because if the facial recognition feature malfunctions in a critical process, it could be disastrous. It was not intended to exclude.

Should it be corrected?

  • Yes, it should be corrected to make the feature more accurate.

What would you or should you do to produce a better outcome?

  • Test the facial recognition feature on people with different skin colors.




  • more crowdsourcing = less computing bias
  • crowdsourcing allows us to obtain shared information, share information, and participate in distributed computing
  • ex: Wikipedia - has inaccuracies corrected through self-policing community; crypto currency and associated block chain - transactions are verified at least 3 times; COVID-19 data
  • RapidAPI, Github

CompSci has 150 principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment?

  • One crowdsource idea is to calculate the carbon footprint of San Diego. This can be done by asking all Del Norte students to calculate their individual carbon footprint using a carbon calculator and compiling the data.

What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your final project be better with crowdsourcing?

  • Del Norte has a diverse array of students that can be very effective for crowdsourcing. For our project detailing emergency procedures, we can talk to teachers and students about the digital features that would help them in an emergency situation.




  • software licensing
  • patents help lawyers + Qualcomm make money
  • GPL: General Public Licensing
  • Open Source (GPL): any derivative work is free and code should be shared
  • Qualcomm wants royalty payment
  • intellectual property (IP): work/invention that is result of creativity to which one has rights
  • copyrights protect IP
  • legal ways to use material created by someone else: Creative Commons, open source, open access
  • creative commons: people can freely share your creations without asking for permission everytime, you can specify how you want people to use your work
  • open source: people can use freely, encourages collaboration
  • open access: no restrictions
  • always cite sources
  • digital divide: unequal distribution of access to technology

When you create a GitHub repository it requests a license type. Review the license types in relationship to this Tech Talk and make some notes in GitHub pages.

  • license types:
  • Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal: waves copyright interest
  • Open Source MIT License: freely making and distributing closed source versions
  • Open Source GPL License: people can do anything with project except distributing closed source versions

Make a license for your personal and Team project. Document license you picked and why.

  • I created a Creative Commons (GNU license) to the project
  • With this license, other people can use our code without citing it. Since our code doesn’t hold any confidential information, we believed a GNU license was most appropriate




  • Personally Identifiable Info (PII): information specific to individual, (ex: social security #, age, DOB)
  • PII can be used to steal someone’s identity, bank account access, etc
  • We tell people PII unconciously; ex: search engines collect and store all data
  • authentication measures protect devices and info from unauthorized access; ex: strong factors, multifactor authentication
  • multifactor authentication: what you know, what you are (ex: fingerprint), what you have (ex: card)
  • viruses can copy themselves and gain access to systems they are not supposed to be allowed in
  • malware: intended to damage/partially take control of system; pose as legit programs, attach themselves to legit programs (ex: email)
  • virus scans can prevent virus + malware from getting into system
  • encryption: encoding data to prevent unauthorized access
  • symmetric encryption: one key
  • asymmetric encryption/public key encryption: 2 keys, public key + private key, public key encrypts (by sender), private key decrypts (by receiver), intercepted data cannot be accessed, 2 people can agree on secret key without meeting ahead of time
  • decryption: decoding data

Describe PII you have seen on project in CompSci Principles.

  • On previous projects and websites, I have published my full name. People also put links to their social media on their projects which might sacrifice their PII.

What are your feelings about PII and your exposure?

  • I think PII should be kept personal. However, I don’t think my PII is protected very well as I have published my date of birth and contact information on public website.

Describe good and bad passwords? What is another step that is used to assist in authentication.

  • Good passwords have a mix of letters and numbers. They also have a longer number of characters. Two-step authentication factors are also helpful in protecting people’s privacy.

Try to describe Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption.

  • Symmetric encryption uses one key while asymmetric encryption uses two keys - a public key and a private key. Asymmetric encryption uses public key encrypts

Provide and example of encryption we used in deployment.

Describe a phishing scheme you have learned about the hard way. Describe some other phishing techniques.